Sebastian Agra
I am the founder and have been passionately involved in this business since 2010, I am also (and above all) a father, a mountain lover and a keen photographer, who speeds through life like a motorbike with no brakes.

Lucie Serrano
Coordinator and purchasing manager
I coordinate LEON’s supply chain with flexibility and rigour, just as I do in my personal life with my children and my passion for pole sports.

Valentin Brussard
Design development
I am responsible for project creation and development, and try to retain what remains of my childhood to connect usefulness and enjoyment, combining fun with practicality.

Sandrine Jacquinod
Administration and logistics
I have been responsible for administration and accounting since LEON was created and work briskly and enthusiastically, just like in my personal life with my trainers on!

Creativity and experience to promote your brand.